June 5, 2013
Bio The path that led her to this point

After the birth of my gorgeous daughter Poppy, I returned to work in a sales and marketing role in a multinational food company.
Whilst I was fairly happy, soon I found myself desperate for a creative outlet and the freedom to work from home and spend time with my young daughter.
That outlet came not long after when I stayed up until 2am the night before my daughter's birthday party creating a pink spotted cake!
Being fairly competitive, I was not content with my first efforts and vowed that this was one skill of motherhood I was going to succeed at!
After many courses and many more late nights, my business Cupcakes for Poppy was born.
After spending several years working on that business, I realised that my passion was teaching.
I had been in teaching and training roles several times in my career and found myself again teaching, but this time teaching cake decorating.
I had been a single parent since my daughter was about 4 months old and knew just how difficult it was to get to classes and to follow my passion.
I wanted to create something that that was accessible to people anywhere regardless of their financial situation or location.
I am passionate about developing creative freedom and giving women, in particular, an outlet to follow their creative passions as I know just how empowering this can be.
I know for me, after coming out of a demoralising violent relationship as a single parent with a young child my confidence was at an all time low.
Cake decorating allowed me to follow a creative avenue and as my skill level grew, so did my self esteem.
Now having made the transition from small cake business to the online world with my membership website, we have women from all over the world, from all different backgrounds and different socioeconomic brackets, proudly sharing their creations.
The moments when I see our students post their work on our page and then watch as other students share it around the world makes me prouder than any other part of my business.
learncakedecoratingonline.com now has members in over 40 countries worldwide and at time of writing has a Facebook following of 60 000.
My own teachers have now become close colleagues and friends and with plans on the drawing board for the next phase, I couldn't be happier.
Q&A Insider advice & tips
What's been your greatest achievement to date?
I made some bad decisions in the earlier days of my business and came very close to giving up.
Many people around me I think, were starting to questioning my sanity and I was feeling that maybe I just wasn't destined for entrepreneurship.
I was pushed to the wall financially and had to pull on every inch of strength to keep going towards my goal but something drove me to keep going.
Now, when I look back at how hard things had been, I am super proud of not giving up. It's funny, so many entrepreneurial stories I read tell of how the success came after a struggle.
What's been your biggest challenge so far?
One of my biggest hurdles was taking the plunge to be a face online!
I had been quite comfortable being the unseen face behind the cakes and the idea of videoing myself and putting that video online was so scary.
But it's like riding a bike, once you get the hang of it, it just seems like the most fun thing ever!
Best lesson you've learned along the way?
I would have started earlier! I wanted to take the business online about a year before it actually happened.
I was like the kid on the edge of the pool who really wants to jump in but is worried it will be too cold. I kept dipping my toes in but really just should have shut my eyes and jumped.
A website, book or resource that has helped you in your business or inspired you and why?
Social Media. Apart from driving my marketing campaigns, it also allows me to engage with and understand my customers.
I get instant feedback and fantastic insights which is brilliant when making decisions about the direction of your business.
The key here is though to understand your objectives on social media. Remove the word social because in work hours there is nothing social about it!
Which person or brand do you most admire and why?
I love brands that are doing what they do well. Black Milk Clothing is a great one and I love Sarah Wilson, not just for who she is but for how she has built her image and her brand.
What advice would you give someone starting an independent business in your industry?
You can have your cake and eat it too!
I believe that following your passion paves the road to success. Don't give up.
When someone trys to pull you down and tells you that you are delusional, get right back on your unicorn and keep going.
Finish this sentence
Everything changed for me when…
When the general manager asked my what was wrong! In a split second I knew. And about 1.4 seconds later I quit.